Monday, March 31, 2008

Catch Up

Okay, I will try to be as brief as possible. Crazy busy at work (end of fiscal year is today 3/31). School, disappointing second test grade, going to stick it out and hope for the best. Went to my neighborhood resale shop and picked up the treasures below. Made a few cards and duplicated some previously posted cards to keep for my stash. Very interesting/scary e-mail exchange with a man on the online dating site. I will tell that story in another post.

Today my sister Cindy in CA is having a VERY extensive back surgery. The actual operation is scheduled to last over 5 hours. Please send good vibes and prayers her way so that she is out of pain and more mobile than she has been in a while.

This beautiful hankie just screamed "buy me".

I can't believe that this was of any use as a hankie, it's too sheer.

Here is a purse that I just fell in love with.

I really find the pattern on this cup and saucer beautiful.

The brads on this card spell the word "golf"

1 comment:

Unknown said...

cute cards.
Love that hankie.
I hope Cindy's back up and running soon. At least she'll have sunshine to help her heal.