Monday, November 05, 2007

Don't Hate Me

Please don't hate me for what I am about to say. Moaning and groaning is fine but NO HATE!!!

I bought Christmas presents over the weekend!

Yup, went in for two birthday gifts and came out with them and numerous X-mas gifts. NO, they are not wrapped. NO, I don't have my cards done. Yes, I did buy a "gift" for myself, LOL!!!


Ijsbeer said...

I have bought loads already! hehe. I buy them of the internet and need them to come in time for christmas as international shipping can take a while.

Once I bought my first gift in january. But that was only because I saw something that was perfect for my parents and I knew I would never come back to that place.

Good for you buying a gift for yourself as well:)

Unknown said...

I don't hate ya, just don't mention the C-word again! LOL
I hate Elizabeth because about a month ago she told me she was almost done with her shopping!!

Rita said...

I don't hate you, I"m half way done with my shopping & I will finish up the day after Thanksgiving.

Linda SS said... will be here before I know it! I always plan to get an early start, but every year it's the same thing. I'm out on the 24th going nutsy trying to finish. Thanks for the friendly shove, I don't hate you, I appreciate you for setting a good example and reminding me that I need to get moving:)