Sunday, February 11, 2007

Sweet Time at the Tomato

Yesterday I had lunch at Sweet Tomatoes near Woodfield Mall. I had never been to the restaurant and since I did make a resolution to get out and try new things this was keeping in with that resolution. The restaurant is very nice with a huge two sided salad bar, a large area of soups, chili, homemade bread, pizza, fresh pastas and of course desserts. The best part of my lunch however was not the delicious food but the GREAT company. I had lunch with my friends of more than 25+ years (I decided not to calculate the true length that I have known them as it will only make me realize how old I am). So 25+ years will just have to be enough. I had not seen Bubbles in over a year. Numerous opportunities were there throughout the year but there was always some sort of reason that we missed each other. Mostly it was my too much work and school schedule that made it difficult to get together. Karen I had not seen it at least 5 years and it was so much fun to see both of them and catch up on what was going on in each others lives, families and work lives. Bubbles is sporting a new strawberry blond color in her blond hair and I must say that I LOVE IT!!!. Karen as usual does not look like she had three children and looks the same as she did 5 years ago. I love when time goes by and the people you see still look and act the same way. I had a GREAT time and cannot wait until we do this again at of course, a NEW restaurant.

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