Monday, December 11, 2006

Patience is a virtue

I have no virtue today.
My patience has flown out the door today with the cold temperatures.
I know that the warmer temps and the possibility of rain are wrecking havoc with my mood today.
I have a headache and NO PATIENCE for stupid questions or comments.
I snapped, like a rabid turtle at one of my co-workers because she wasn't understanding what I was explaining to her about an invoice that we sent to her customer. Part of the problem is with the way the software treats partial or deposit billing. I have no control over the software and continued to express that fact to my co-worker and she JUST KEPT ASKING "Why does the invoice look this way?" ARGH!!!!!
On top of that I have been trading e-mails with Stink Boy over the project paper and the test.
I am going to take some asprin and eat a sandwich for lunch and HOPE that my mood takes an upswing.


Unknown said...

Between the rain and damn Xmas music everywhere...I am a raving bitch these days.
Plus, I still have to start shopping at some point.

Unknown said...

Between the rain and damn Xmas music everywhere...I am a raving bitch these days.
Plus, I still have to start shopping at some point.

Unknown said...

Between the rain and damn Xmas music everywhere...I am a raving bitch these days.
Plus, I still have to start shopping at some point.